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About Me

About Me
I grew up here in Fremont and I have 4 children that I have raised here in Fremont with my husband. I have been working with young children for over 20 years in our community.

Preschool Teacher, Rop Lab Preschool

Teacher Assistant, Forest Park Elementary 

Preschool Teacher, Ohlone College Preschool

Teacher, Happy Bear Forest Preschool

Teacher, at Kids Park 
Owner/teacher, Creative Learning Home Preschool

Owner, Mindy's Family Home Daycare

Lead Teacher, Littlest Angels Preschool 

Volunteer Work 
Warwick Elementary School PTA 1st VP 2 years

Warwick Elementary School PTA 2nd VP 2 years

Warwick Elementary School PTA secretary 1 year

Warwick PTA Staff appreciation Chair 1 year

Warwick PTA Staff Appreciation committee 5 years

Warwick PTA Reflections Art Program Committee chair 2 years

PTA Red Ribbon Week Committee Chair 4 years

Warwick Cheerleading Coach 

Pop Warner Cheer Coach

Cub Scout Den Leader

Cub Scout Cub Master


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Fall Leaf Art

There are so many fun things to do with leaves! 1.Watercolor resist leaf painting. I like this new technique with colored crayon rather than the old way of using only white crayons, using colored crayons gives to a whole new look perfect for creating beautiful leaves! 2. Leaf Sun Catcher Find some amazing leaves and smoosh them onto contact paper and cover with another piece of contact paper. Hold it up to the sun to see the details in the leaf veining or place on a light table. 3. Marble Painting  This technique is so fun and you get a new design every time no two leaves will every be exactly the same. 4. Leaf Painting The leaf is your canvas! Glitter paint, unusual colors, anything goes, create it and make it your own.

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